How can we keep up in this fast paced world?

I recently said that I have now been coding for over 40 years. This year marks 30 years that I keep the same login name! -> starman

In 1989, I needed to pick a username to access Fidonet and the dialup bulletin boards community. The cult movie Starman, one of my favourites, came out a few years before. Hence the choice that has defined my online persona since the dawn of a connected world.

A few weeks back, I was fortunate to have a walk around Meteor Crater in Arizona, where a crucial part of the movie takes place. The location is unbelievable and awe-inspiring.

Now, 30 years later, the geek in me cannot believe that we are hosting an ex-NASA guy in our offices next week for our CONTINUUM 2019 speaking event. Also, sharing their insights, they are a guru from Netflix, an ex-Facebook superstar, and a talented SaaS CEO.

If you are like me and crave to learn from these fantastic people, consider a night out next week at CONTINUUM 2019. You'll probably leave with a few impactful ideas that may change the way you do business in our fast pace economy.

Remy Gendron

Seasoned technologist, founder and CEO of INGENO, an outsourcing software company specialized in SaaS products design and development. Remy worked, over the last 23 years, at many hyper growth tech companies such as Taleo, where he oversaw the scalability and performance challenges associated with hundreds of millions of daily business transactions.


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