The 4 Key Components of Modern Software Culture
What is modern software development? We are sharing the 4 components of our Modern Software Culture and deploy the best practices from Silicon-Valley.
Cloud Migration Strategy: 5 possible options
This article will explore five mature, tried-and-tested cloud migration strategies that INGENO could help you implement in your business.
Have you lost all your software developers?
If you've lost software developers while being closed by COVID-19, it could be hard to find new tech talent again. Here's a strategy for when the economy restarts.
Automatisation: une solution à la rétention des employés
Avez-vous plusieurs projets qui ne démarrent pas par manque de temps? Vos employés sont-ils débordés par le quotidien? Vous ne pouvez faire avancer des priorités stratégiques? C'est le lot de plusieurs entreprises. Mais est-ce vraiment le manque de disponibilités qui vous bloque?
The Secret to Great Outsourcing
At INGENO, we're digital innovators working remotely with customers for over ten years. Here's the secret to successfully outsourcing projects.
Successful remote teams build trust with their product owners from three key factors.